Conzoom type A1

Successful living

Successful living

Successful living
Affluent homeowner
Successful living

Characteristics of conzoom type A1

Middle-aged, belonging to the higher social classes

Established families living in their own house

Very high income and purchasing power

Well-informed and very resourceful

Doing sports and other activities in their spare time

First movers with a taste for luxury products


If you meet privileged couples in their 40s to mid-60s, you can count on them to belong to the everyday surplus type. This applies to both those with several children living at home and those whose children have moved away from home.

Their level of education is higher than the national average. A third of them have a vocational education and even more have taken a longer higher education. Employment is very high and the reward for the long training is a high salary level, which is 50% above the national average. There has been room to invest the income in owner-occupied housing, but also in shares and bonds. Here, in other words, you meet the upper middle class.

What Surskud in everyday life has in common is that they have both financial and mental surplus. They have managed to create a good financial foundation and gathered so much work experience that those who are still working are on a stable career path. Therefore, they can deliver what they need to, and even though they often work beyond normal working hours, there is still time for each other at home.

Their single-family house of at least 115 m² and up to over 180 m² was typically built between the 1940s and 1980s. Some also have a summer house next door and preferably one to two cars, one of which can be a company car. They have the deed to the house, and even though the house may not have been paid for yet, Overskud has large discretionary values ​​in everyday life. When they one day sell, the trading price will be well above the national average.

Close to a fifth have a CVR number at their home address. Some run a consulting business or have registered their holding company at the address. Others have set up a treatment clinic or other health activity at home.


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Behaviour, lifestyle and attitudes

For Surskud i everyday, free time equals activities, preferably in combination with fresh air. Half of them also enjoy gardening and DIY projects. At the same time, almost two-thirds exercise every week, preferably in the gym or outdoors with running shoes on.

They also like to draw fresh air under other climes, preferably several times a year. The suitcase wheels are worn thin on travel destinations to all continents. A ski holiday north or south, there are also some who reach every winter. They are also not shy about exploring Denmark by car and living in their own, borrowed or rented holiday home. If time is tight, a day trip or an extended weekend can also give them back the profit. They love experiences together and have barely arrived home before planning the next holiday is underway.

Back home, they relax with TV, radio or the latest good book from the book club, which can either be non-fiction or fiction. When they go out, it is usually the cinema, a good dinner or a theater performance that draws. Many are members of cinema clubs but are also tempted by stand-up performances and concerts.

It is the major dailies and news, both in print and online, that interest Overskud in everyday life. The business material is read with interest, and one or more lifestyle magazines are kept - from housing magazines, to Gastro and SPIS BEDRE, to FIT LIVING and Bo Better.

Surplus in everyday interest in politics in general is similar to the average, but social economy, labor market policy and especially housing policy are the topics that occupy them the most. Travel, wine and food, as well as the broad sports such as cycling, football, handball and tennis, can also catch their interest. On the other hand, the local matter does not say much to them, even though half still leaf through the local newspaper every week.

Despite the profits, they don't seem to be getting it all. They prioritize having time for cooking in the family, and to make everyday life easier, they like to use modern technology. This is perhaps also why the car is the preferred means of transport. It makes everyday logistics work together.

In terms of value, Surskud in everyday life is most often Modern and in a more individual-oriented direction than others.

In elections, they are good at using their right to vote, and in the last general election, most people crossed the Social Democratic Party, but the Left also obtained many votes from this type. At the next election, it seems that the Conservatives and New Citizens in particular will gain ground in this segment.

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