Wealthy living

Classy living in the upper class

Wealthy living
Wealthy living

Characteristics of group D

Well-off in attractive neighbourhoods
Very high purchasing power and wealth
Well-informed families belonging to the higher social classes
Culturally interested and happy to pay extra for good quality
Skiing, triathlon, tennis and golf
Travel the world – for pleasure and business

The wealthy can typically afford to live as they want and live as they can. They also often choose owner-occupied homes in the country's most expensive and sought-after neighbourhoods. For some, living in the metropolis feels good, not as something special, but they forget that they are among the few who have this opportunity. Here you live in beautiful villas, which can easily be larger mansions, architect-designed or unique homes in the most expensive areas. Of course, many have burglar alarms, and the homes are sold at a price per square meter that is more than twice as high as the national average. Regardless of the sea or water view, or the proximity of a golf course, it is only that to be allowed to live at its best and close to everything that attracts Velhavere.

Being wealthy means, for most people, that they have a nice fortune. Some have "old money", but even more earn good money themselves and are in the process of building their wealth through hard work after many years of study and persistent effort. This also applies to their teenage children, who like to work even while they are studying. It is expected of them in order to maintain a high standard of living, contribute to society and maintain the family's position in the upper class or at least in the upper middle class.

The well-to-do love to travel, not just in Europe, but all over the world, and there may be time for an extended weekend between the sun and ski holiday. Some have holiday homes abroad, while others have nice summer houses here in the country.

Well-to-do people are quite interested in politics, and they are particularly interested in business policy, housing and tax policy as well as EU relations. And then they are engaged in every way in the development of our society.

Well-to-do people are generally good at staying informed. Both online and among printed media, they prefer the country's largest daily newspapers Børsen, Berlingske, Politiken or Jyllands-Posten, but they also read a wide range of relevant periodicals. All of them are first with the latest trends, and they are particularly active on the Internet. Not just to follow the development of their securities, but also to buy luxury products and good design.

When communicating with this exclusive population, remember that they have greater insight than the majority and are also well-versed.

See the types in group D